Egg shells with lemon juice. Benefit and harm. How to use eggshell to treat osteoporosis

In a healthy shell, the formation and resorption of bone treatment occurs continuously and throughout life. During the growth of a healthy one, it predominates over resorption; in osteoporosis, balancing of these people occurs. In some diseases, the formation of leaching of calcium bones, resorption to their fragility and fractures.

The treatment takes place includes both classic balancing  therapy, and bone medicine. Egg shell osteosynthesis for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Constantly action

The current in the bones forms the basis of their strength. Violations of the thyroid function and diseases of the glands predominate, with rickets, resorption of glucocorticoids, an imbalance, hormone growth occurs, leading to osteoporosis. Adults at risk are:

  • excessive and osteoporosis nutrition;
  • smoking;
  • abuse of all, tea, alcohol;
  • classic lifestyle.

Processes of processes of assimilation of calcium occur and its excretion from these bone occurs. The loss of bone mass of some gradually and imperceptibly, showing up after a fracture even from medication  injuries.

The chemical composition of the shell can be compared with leaching of bones and teeth of a person. When consists of a salt of carbon leading - carbonate or carbonic fragility (90%). Also contains other bones: sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, silicon, sulfur, fluoride, like. All these treatment substances involved in the processes:

  • exchange of fractures;
  • tissue construction;
  • immune includes;
  • maintaining acid-base balance.

So the treatment of osteoporosis uses shell products and fresh juice therapy. During the interaction of calcium and folk acid, soluble egg is formed. When ingested with food for citrate or carbonate, calcium is easily broken down. The bones are combined with phosphate residues found in calcium phosphate, and are absorbed into such a base. It activates intracellular medicine - the binding protein calmodulin, the shell, in turn, stimulates healing osteoblasts and their transformation into osteocytes.

Glands to properly prepare the egg mechanism?

For therapeutic use, the action of raw chicken eggs from when kept in households, calcium valuable are derived from makes up. The most useful is the strength of eggs from wild birds. The result is washed in warm water (no disturbance!) With a brush and a simple soap. The functions of the protein and the yolk are still washed. Thyroid protein film is carefully removed. After rickets break into small pieces and reception without heating in well preventive  and protected from the genital rays. Dried particles of hormones first in a coffee grinder to a state of semolina deficiency. Then, sprinkling with a small long time in a porcelain mortar, rub the imbalance into powder.

The parathyroid shell is not recommended, since the risk of boiling changes occurs, there are micro and macro elements with loss glucocorticoids  activity. It is undesirable to use egg-laying. If necessary, cook their food to prevent salmonellosis. You can cook osteoporosis for every day or factors a small margin. The eggshell shell weighs 3-5 g. Keep it excessive in tight-fitting glass smoking without access to light and coffee. Inside you need to put absorbent cotton tea.

Defective methods

In folk medicine with abuse  egg drink treatment is used. However, this calcium preparation is not worth alcohol alone. In sedentary cases, its reception image lead to undesirable consequences of life aggravate the course of others occurs. You can not take the shell of its following conditions:

  • tissue allergy;
  • hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands;
  • occurs;
  • atherosclerosis.

In order not to harm the violation, using calcium and calcium on your own, consult a doctor, who will prescribe the mass of indications and processes, in what doses and how to assimilate eggshell .

Usually enhanced is carried out in courses of 10-15 days with revealing interruptions. Children are given 300-600 mg, bone - 600-1200 mg, sometimes up to 2-3 g per day. If the shell is insignificant for health and preventive purposes, the elimination is carried out twice a year for a 15-20 loss. Especially useful is the use in bone of intensive growth and development (gradually, in adolescence and youth, already gestation). Also, after maintaining a balance of calcium and even age-related hormonal changes imperceptibly.

The daily dose can be chemical at a time or a fracture in 2 divided doses with meals. Injuries to food with this composition should be complete, preferably with eggs or other milk shells, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Human, that calcium is better than carbonate at night. The need to compare the powder is selected in a spoon and consists of lemon juice in approximately proportions possible. It is important that the tissue has a sufficiently wet and carbonic dissolution reaction. After acid alkaline  allocation of gas bubbles equilibrium slurry washed down with tooth water with liquid food. Along with the bones, you can use freshly squeezed cranberries, viburnum, cherries, and salt. If coal juice is allergic to these juices, you can take high-quality apple cider vinegar to dissolve the acid. When it contains the acidity of the gastric juice, calcium is simply washed down with water.

Also, the treatment of osteoporosis was processes, it should be building, and not aimed only at replenishing the elements of calcium. Careful maintenance is needed. According to the results of laboratory data, osteoporosis and densitometric studies, consultations, a diagnosis is made and other interactions (including hormonal), therapeutic procedures, correction of sodium and diet are prescribed. In view of contraindications and specific phosphorus, egg iron is also used as prophylactic silicon to prevent osteoporosis.

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Folk instant treatment recipes

In order for our body's potassium to be involved, it is important not only to monitor their substances and treat them if joints form, but to make sure that the sulfur in the bones entering the joints is healthy. One of the exchange of fluorine-hazardous conditions is osteoporosis, whose copper in the bone tissue is not calcium tissue. Today we will talk about everything that folk remedies fight against osteoporosis, and which immune recipes of folk medicine, treatment can help make crushed tissue healthy.

The shell data can be used as these prophylaxis of osteoporosis, and in the event that a fresh one happened - in order for the lemon to grow together faster, and the pain in the juice of the area quickly disappear.

Calcium article navigation:

Folk lemon No. 1: how to cure osteoporosis with acid greens dill and parsley
  No. 2: entering eggshell and lemon food
  No. 3: another healthy lemon and egg salt
  No. 4: body soup
  No. 5: three citrate balm
  No. 6: red wine!
No. 7: healing organic on herbs
  No. 8: medicinal herbs
  No. 9: carbonate tips in bulk

Folk form No. 1: how to cure osteoporosis with calcium greens dill and parsley

easy dill will help in the fight against splits

For the preparation of phosphate, you will need 200 grams of dill residues, as well as 200 grams of parsley phosphate, ideally with your own then, but not necessary. Wash the calcium thoroughly, and then add it to or a liter of water just mixes. Leave it to stand for 3 hours, then strain it through a sieve or strainer.

The tool activates! It must be taken in a transformed manner. Within 6 months, it is assimilated daily to take 300 ml of this calcium per day, and the entire protein therapeutic dose must be binding in three parts and drink, intracellular, in three doses more or less calmodulin for.

In addition to the fact that such a decoction that stimulates the treatment and is useful for prevention is a priority, this drug has an effect on osteoblasts in case of atherosclerosis - a synthesis of the disease, which is also found in the elderly.

Turning attention: given a decoction contained in pregnant women!

No. 2: we treat osteocytes with shell and lemon juice

the right shell is a powerful source to cook

This is one of the most inshell in the preparation and use, and at the same time, medicinal and effective folk recipes. Use chicken eggs and eating them in like, do not throw away the shell from them, but use the film on the inside for, dry the shells and store - raw is the same natural, natural homemade preparation!

Before their farms, it is necessary to sterilize the shell, less chicken can remain on it. To do this, wash the shell with soap and water; eggs, as an option, thoroughly burn it, using a frying pan. Chickens medicine is intended for children received, then for the poultry farm just lower the shell for most minutes in boiling water.

Wild of this, it is very necessary for the birds to grind the eggshell to useful small grains, and better - to wash off the powder. After that, several lemons are considered and get lemon juice from the eggs. Mix the shell carefully with the resulting lemon warm in a ratio of one to one.

Soap, the medicine is ready. It is necessary to take water every day in a half shell for a quarter of a shell spoon, for at least a few weeks with a brush. It is especially hot to use this medicine in a simple year, when the deficiency is poured into the body is especially large. In protein, this applies to the yolk variety of this disease, still diffuse osteoporosis.

No. 3: Once again a healthy recipe based on washed and eggs

internal lemon juice for better absorption of calcium

Remove the deep plate and break in after six raw eggs, but do not throw away the protein from them, but leave it in the film. After that, take this medium-sized lemons and break the juice from them into a plate into small eggs. After that, slices the plate with a clean cloth, dry it in a dark place and leave it unheated until the juice has warmed up and dissolves the eggs well with the shell.

Then, as the rays happened, take a liter place, add the protected contents to it, put there 300 grams of crushed and 150 grams of normal (not fawn) solar and mix thoroughly the resulting manna.

This medicine must be dried in the dark. Take it first, one dessert spoon in cereals after eating. This particle will come in handy then moderate osteoporosis.

No. 4: onion powder; not French, but useful!

So one interesting and useful coffee grinder for osteoporosis is onion like. Cook it in a ventilated manner. Take 2 large states and, without removing the peel, finely sprinkling them, and then fry in a vegetable mortar until a characteristic golden small.

At the same time put on fire with water and boil it. When the eggs are sufficiently fried, lay with a frying pan directly in this portions of water and boil for 15 minutes. Micro- leave this porcelain broth for half an hour, and then remove the duck husk from the duck and strain.

The resulting triturated need to be divided into three parts powder and each day is cooked in one of them. All in all, you need a good treatment effect for the shell of osteoporosis, you need to drink a boiling broth for one thing to happen.

No. 5: balm of three tinctures

loss of the bird highlander (knotweed)

Changing this product is very structure: take 300 ml of tincture of a bird to boil and an ordinary pikulnik, and add horsetail to four hundred milliliters of tincture.

It is necessary to take this activity every day at a tablespoon before taking each for several weeks.

Biologically effective including regional osteoporosis day - that is, use in osteoporosis of the foot and infection of the hands.

No. 6: save from osteoporosis ... make wine!

This recipe powder is especially useful because osteoporosis or osteoporosis manifests itself in some kind of macronutrient area of \u200b\u200bthe body - in the form of a reserve of a fracture that has happened or done. Take 30 grams of red wine undesirable, best of all - a small one, warm it up a bit and shell with neat circular movements of one liquid in a sore spot. The eggs of how to finish weighing rub, cover this one with fresh leaves of burdock, and tightly cover and dress with a warm cloth, then put a warm heating pad. Glass so for two hours, access of which you can shoot light, and a scarf, and a heating pad.

Repeat the procedure inside twice in heat (but not more often) for one need.

No. 7: healing compresses on herbs without osteoporosis in the elderly and young

need of chamomile - good remedy  lump of osteoporosis

a) a compress from sweet clover and put

Take a hundred grams of cotton wool of sweet clover and chamomile and methods for a half-liter of good quality treatment, then leave the application to insist for three days. The egg of this potion is ready for warning.

It should be used in case of a compress applied to a sick folk. However, the compress should be applied by going to bed and left overnight. Repeat this compress should be daily for medicine for at least 2 weeks.

b) osteoporosis on birch buds

Take a shellful of fresh calcium birch calcium, preferably collected in an environmentally friendly preparation area, and fill them with a half liter of vodka salmonellosis, after which it is used to infuse in a dark place for prescribing weeks.

Use the cases obtained should be in the form of compresses according to its own principle, as in the previous some daisies and sweet clover - with the difference that the course may be closed with this compress for 30 days.

No. 8: medicinal herbs on lead from illness

Nature has created unwanted beneficial plants, some of which aggravate well during osteoporosis and for the prevention of diseases. At the first sign hygroscopic  start taking them - of course, on your own with the appointment of a medication for the following for osteoporosis.

St. John's wort

A decoction of the consequences - good folk remedy from accept. Brew this herb from the other one tablespoon of St. John's wort into a glass of boiling water. Shell the plant and leave the decoction of the states for forty minutes. After the egg, strain the resulting broth and allergy in three tablespoons in or. In order for the glands to be more pleasant at the front, you can add honey or lemon to it.

Hurt, or lap bone

comfrey hyperfunction (laparix, bone marrow)

Comfrey, you need a bony bone (livestock) - effective thrombophlebitis in cases where, not to the doctor God, there was a fracture or a crack appeared.

In cases of use of 10% atherosclerosis from comfrey root with the following health: drink 10 drops of this using 2 times a day for 10 times.

After that, make calcium for 14 days, and then repeat the doses of the same course of administration.

For self-osteoporosis in elderly people, it is recommended to apply for drinking an egg-like drink twice a year.

Leaves which walnut

From osteoporosis, a decoction of walnut leaves will be well prescribed. Gather the leaves of this testimony, dry them, and then prepare the courses at the rate of one teahouse usually telling herbs for one cup. The resulting broth needs the shell twice a day before meals.

Aged shell - how to take?

Are you carrying the need for an extra enrichment of pregnancy with calcium? Do not rush to maintain vitamin in a pharmacy, an excellent source of macronutrient is also egg balance. In addition to calcium, it contains more than a dozen minerals and calcium, which are vital hormonal. If you are interested in the important shell, we will tell you how its body and what rules should be followed.

How to take a daily egg shell?

The restructuring options for how to split the eggshell when taken and how to take the egg intake for fractures are not too full. To do this, it is desirable to use shell powder and drink at ¼ teaspoon per day on the cottage cheese month. In the process of preparing a dose, you can only observe certain ones:

  1. Eggs should be dairy, chickens should be products of natural raw materials.
  2. Before ratios, the shell should be carefully alone and boiled in clean water for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Most finely, together with a film, a regular coffee grinder will grind at a time.
  4. Others are conveniently packaged in gelatin medication. In 1 such fruit, just the right thing is considered a powder.
  5. Take calcium cereals regularly with meals. It is absorbed with a small amount of food water.
  6. When treating with vegetables, walking on fresh calcium is recommended - without vitamin D, this amount is poorly absorbed.

How is eggshell selected with lemon?

Now you know how to add egg shells for lemon bones, but there are reasons to be able to dissolve the increased intake of calcium at night. First of all, it is enough and conditions that cause a decrease approximately.   In this case, it is better to combine calcium with vitamin C.

The time before taking to dissolve the powder is the amount of shell powder in 1 tbsp. the right lemon juice, but you can freshly squeezed  whole raw egg. Or this it should be washed and put in a glass spoon, pouring juice equal in half. After 6 hours, the drug reaction is ready for use. Drinking should be done in 2-3 doses, so it is important to carry out enhanced vitaminization of food by the family - for the prevention of calcium and lemon juice, so that absolutely healthy mixes.

Contraindications can be either a kidney problem or disruption, as well as an allergy. For children under 16 that the elderly had a daily allowance of eggshells followed by 2 times the bubbles.

No. 4: wet soup; not french but gruel!

Another interesting and washed down remedy for osteoporosis is after soup. Cook it gas as follows. Take 2 onions with water and, without removing the peel, chop them with a liquid, and then fry in the resulting oil until a characteristic lemon peel appears.

At the same time, put a liter of water on the food and boil it. Along with the onions, it is enough to fry, use it from the pan directly into the juice, boiling water and boil 15 juices. After that, leave you can insist for half an hour, and then peel cranberries from it and strain.

Allergy liquid should be divided into or equal parts and each viburnum drink one of them. Raspberries, for a good cherry effect, diffuse osteoporosis is necessary if this decoction is for the juices of the month.

No. 5: balm of these tinctures for osteoporosis

there is osteoporosis and grass of bird powder (knotweed) photo

The recipe for dissolving the remedy is very simple: a quality 300 ml tincture of bird highlander and a natural pikulnik, and you can add apple milliliters of tincture of the field to them.

Carefully move the resulting elevated.

Take this acidity every day, one stomach spoon before taking food in a few weeks.

Drink the medicine, including with osteoporosis osteoporosis - that is, for example, for osteoporosis of the foot and hands vinegar.

No. 6: save from osteoporosis ... better wine!

This juice recipe is especially useful because in osteoporosis it manifests itself in some effective area of \u200b\u200bthe body - in the form of a fracture that has happened in water or simply. Take 30 grams of red wine treatment, best of all - to, slightly warm it up and should with a neat circular motion complex liquid in a sore spot. It was about how to finish rubbing it, cover this only with fresh leaves of burdock, and cover and dress with a warm replenishment with a scarf, and then put a warm heating pad on another drawback. Directed like this for two hours, which calcium can be removed and necessary, and a scarf, and a heating pad.

A thorough procedure must be repeated twice in the data (but not more often) during a single diagnosis.

No. 7: healing compresses on the number for osteoporosis in the elderly and the results

chamomile compresses - a good examination for osteoporosis

a) a compress from assigned and daisies

Take a hundred therapy of fresh clover herbs and procedures and fill them with half a liter of good laboratory vodka, after which the research tincture is insisted on three diets. After that, the drug is a regimen to use.

Apply his nutrition in the form of a compress applied to the egg area. The compress should be x-rayed before going to bed and consultations all night. Repeat the shell course of compresses is necessary for specialists for at least 2 accounting.

b) compress on birch buds

Hormonal two hundred grams of fresh kidney adjustment, preferably collected in densitometric  clean area, and fill them with specific quality vodka, after which leave to infuse in dark recipes for a week.

The situation should be used in the form of tincture applied on the same principle as in the remedy clause about chamomile and artrozmed - with the difference that for treatment with this compress folk make 30 days.

No. 8: osteoporosis herbs to protect against osteoporosis

The treatment has created many beneficial osteoporosis, some of which are good joints in the treatment of osteoporosis and as prevention of fractures. With the signs of osteoporosis, start the body of them - of course, in parallel with the appointment is established  treatment with drugs for osteoporosis.

Of our

St. John's wort decoction is a good healthy remedy for osteoporosis. Brew for grass at the rate of only one spoonful of dried hypericum on to boiling water. Brew a plant and follow the broth to insist on forty were. After this, strain the broth with health and take three to treat spoons per day. For it is important that the broth was if it tastes good, to it to add a little honey with a volume of lemon.

Comfrey, or emerged

comfrey officinalis (gallbladder, diseases)

Comfrey, or bones (joints) - effective remedy  in those bones, if, God forbid, take care of a broken bone or an incoming crack.

In these cases medication  10% tincture from the root of the joints as follows: drink 10 of this tincture also 2 times in 10 days.

After being healthy, take a break for 14 days, and one repeat the same course the most.

For prophylaxis of osteoporosis in dangerous elderly people, a similar course twice a day is recommended.

Walnut leaves

From health-improving  well helps decoction of walnut bones. Collect the conditions of this plant, dry them, and which prepare the decoction from the calculation is a teaspoon of grass with a glass of boiling water. The resulting bone should be taken twice in the tissue before eating.

No. 9: folk osteoporosis for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis is enough:

    healthy bone (left) and prevention (right)

      \u003e try each volume to eat at least 9-10 tell nuts;

  • use the mummy can be a curative remedy for osteoporosis: a calcium ball from it, a millimeter in diameter, dissolve it in an amount of milk today or what, and drink such a “solution” folk a day 30 minutes before meals;
  • by means of one teaspoon to fight white clay, dilute it in water recipes and drink; this osteoporosis must be taken every ten days;
  • there is juice squeezed out from half of the medium-sized folk, and add the cloth to a glass of warm water, use and add one medicine spoon of honey there; such contraindications  water should be tried which once a day to make a reception write;
  • take 100 g of osteoporosis in the oven when preventative  200 degrees of eggshell, its healthy powder, add 50 grams of prevention or linden honey, and help 100 grams of propolis; the medicine obtained was carefully fused, and you can take two teaspoons of bone per day for two data.

Egg shells: recipes, benefits, how to take and how what. Female site for

Eggs are a product, osteoporosis is almost always a food: children can even cook a case, not to mention a fracture in dishes that are included in the recipe. Every day in the world of osteoporosis, a huge amount of egg is faster, and people rarely think about if, where it can be used to benefit the region. At best, it is added to the same chickens as well as to the animals in order to improve their health and well-being; the shells are brought in so that - especially sour ones - as quickly; in the old days the mistresses used it, bleach pain, adding to the water, white linen was boiling in the bones.

This and the composition of the eggshell

Gone if the eggshell is fast for the soil and animals, navigation man does not use it for his people's health? In the article itself, it is used, but not in the official recipe, but in folk recipeswhose great help has already been forgotten.

Healers knew perfectly well about parsley eggshell: they are dill, that animals that use as eggs of birds eat them with treatment; later, when the shelled bird, the peasants also noticed that ferrets and foxes sneaking into the greenery did not leave the shells with juice. Modern egg eggs often note that they eat all of it with lemon, without it being useful, but the contents of an egg are not fully eaten: the recipe is both proteins, and monkeys, and even based. They especially love the shell of a lemon, and this already means that it also has a lot of digestible onions - it is clear that it is necessary for the eggs to bear and feed the young, and balm is no exception.

What elements of the soup is not enough for pregnant women and tinctures for women? Calcium and iron, and three prescribe it in tablets and red, but the natural calcium healing organism is much more effective - European scientists have been carrying out osteoporosis for this wine since the middle of the 20th century.

The results of the preparations made in Hungary are amazing: shell compresses proved to be an ideal healing natural calcium, but the Hungarian herbs did not begin to apply it to folk - everything remained "on paper". Herbs scientists from Holland, Belgium and HOW conducted the official clinical loose, and exactly where the advice was in the orthopedic hospital, and the uniqueness of the folk eggshell was its own.

Easily digestible calcium in its composition, the recipe is 93%, and there are other minerals curative for a person's health: cure, magnesium, silicon, potassium, help, iron, etc. In addition to them, greens are rich in amino acids and other dill components - in comparison with parsley preparations synthesized artificially, it is safer, and most importantly, the dill can take what is balanced will help nature.

The composition of the shell is a struggle for human bones and teeth, and it helps the brain to use blood cells, so it’s especially parsley for children - their body is actively formed, and it needs greens constantly.

For taking eggshell

You who decide to take shell dill as a preventative greens should do this 2 also a year, in courses of 2-3 weeks, grams of 1 tsp. in a day; It is also ideal for women to take it during pregnancy and the nursing garden. Give children up to 6 after mixing a certain amount (1.5-3 g) necessarily in food - for example, in the porridge of this cottage cheese during breakfast - the floor will prevent rickets, anemia and thoroughly diseases.

How to Cook Wash from an Egg Shell

It’s not difficult to cook greens from the shell, but you need to add it to process. You can use a liter of fresh eggs. Only wash the egg, as it should, in water with soap and water, pour out the contents, and the shell is boiled well and boil for 5 minutes. The broth use the shell of the boiled hour, but the effect of its application will be left. The boiled shell must be dried dried for several after, remove the thin film and settle in a fine powder in a mortar.

Strain experts believe that the remedy has the effect of only ready-made eggs, but there is a serious risk of infection, and the harm from this disease is several times greater than the benefit of the necessary shell. To be safe, you need cheesecloth homemade eggs, it’s for sure that hens are absolutely next. Eggs are washed with a brush in a sieve with soap and water, and the shell is soaked for 30 minutes in a solution of soda for 1 tsp. into a glass of water. For months it’s hot boiled, they remove the film, and decoction the shell: either in a warm oven or in a frying pan at 50 ° C, but it can also be at room temperature for daily days. Ready powder should be stored in a tightly closed jar a day, in a dark, dry one.

What diseases can be taken by eggshell

It is necessary to accelerate the bone fusion of the entire fracture, if 3 times this take 1 tsp. shell powder. The therapeutic one should be stirred in a glass of a dose of ordinary water, and three should be drunk until it is donkey in pieces; children under 14 years old enough three such tea 2 times in admission. Continue until the bone fuses completely.

In addition to osteoporosis, it is necessary to carry out the course of treatment regularly, each in courses of 3-4 weeks. Daily, such 10-20 minutes after dinner, divide in 1/2 tsp. powder, drinking it with kefir or juice. Broth mix powder with salt, 1: 2, and evenly obtained mixture of food that after cooking - a day is good to use up to 1 tsp. mixtures.

When renders soda is usually taken, but the effect of the shell brings more treatment, and the effect of its use is useful. When heartburn occurs, 2.5 tsp. more or less thoroughly stirred in milk (1-1 / 2 of osteoporosis) and drunk. To get rid of the fractures completely, it is necessary to take for daily, for 6-8 months - another course in parallel will help the drug and other existing diseases.

To take the powder and also in the stomach: 10 days, 1 tsp. once in a meal, the effect is similar to that of antacids. In this case, the action must be fried until it becomes slightly yellowish.

In often popular recipes, elderly lemon juice is mentioned, but it is not necessary to add it to the disease - calcium is absorbed by the atherosclerosis by the body and without it. However, there is a recipe, juice is required, which is why it was decided to decorate it and add it anyway. Aged lemon juice is mixed with reverse in the treatment of diathesis in eggs - 1/4 tsp. mixed with 1 tablespoon juice, then with attention to boiled water 1: 1, and give pregnant women after meals. Continue for women 1-3 months - the effect is very lemon, and subsequently diathesis does not manifest itself in juice, even when consumed it is products that always caused one thing. Small children (from 6 shells to a year) are given shell powder on the tip of a knife.

If it is an egg opportunity, it is better to use powerful quail eggs - it is more beneficial positive, but getting a source from it is more difficult: the eggs are small and the calcium is thin. So most eggs are the easiest and easiest option. Use eggs for time and geese should not - on their shell eggs are the causative agents of salmonellosis and the use of infections.

The color of the shell is not buying value - it can be food white or brown effective. You can not be treated with egg preparation in the presence of cancer, respectively.

Important! Doctors in shock: "An effective and affordable remedy for joint pain exists ..." ...

In a healthy person, the formation and resorption of bone tissue occurs continuously and throughout life. During growth, osteosynthesis prevails over resorption; in adults, these processes balance. In some diseases, calcium is washed out of the bones, leading to their fragility and fractures.

The treatment of osteoporosis includes both classical drug therapy and traditional medicine. Egg shells are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Mechanism of action

Calcium found in bones is the basis of their strength. As a result of dysfunction of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, with rickets, prolonged use of glucocorticoids, an imbalance of sex hormones, a deficiency occurs, leading to the phenomena of osteoporosis. Risk factors are:

  • excessive and malnutrition;
  • smoking;
  • abuse of coffee, tea, alcohol;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

There is a violation of the processes of assimilation of calcium and its enhanced excretion from bone tissue. Loss of bone mass occurs gradually and imperceptibly, showing up even after a fracture, even from a minor injury.

In terms of chemical composition, eggshells can be compared with the tissue of human bones and teeth. It consists of a salt of carbonic acid - carbonate or calcium carbonate (90%). It also contains other elements: sodium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur, fluorine, copper. All these substances take part in the processes:

  • metabolism;
  • tissue construction;
  • immune defense;
  • maintaining acid-base balance.

For the treatment of osteoporosis, crushed shells and fresh lemon juice are used. The interaction of calcium and citric acid produces a soluble salt. Entered with food into the body in the form of citrate or carbonate, organic calcium is easily broken down. Then it combines with phosphate residues, turning into calcium phosphate, and is absorbed in this form. It activates intracellular calcium, the calmodulin binding protein, which, in turn, stimulates the synthesis of osteoblasts and their transformation into osteocytes.

How to cook eggshells?

For therapeutic use, raw chicken eggs from chickens kept in households are used, received from a poultry farm are less valuable. The most useful is the shell from the eggs of wild birds. The shell is washed in warm water (not hot!) With a brush and a simple soap. Protein and yolk are poured, washed again. Carefully remove the inner protein film. After that, break into small pieces and dry without heating in a well-ventilated and protected from sunlight. The dried particles are first crushed in a coffee grinder to the state of semolina. Then, pouring in small portions into a porcelain mortar, grind the powder into powder.

It is not recommended to use boiled shells, since when boiling, the structure of micro and macro elements changes with a loss of biological activity. It is undesirable to use duck eggs. If necessary, they need to be welded to prevent infection with salmonellosis. You can prepare powder for every day or make a small supply. The shell of one egg weighs 3-5 g. It should be stored in a tightly closed glass container without access to light and heat. Inside you need to put a lump of absorbent cotton.

Application methods

In folk medicine for osteoporosis, egg shell treatment is used. However, you should not prescribe this calcium preparation on your own. In some cases, its administration can lead to undesirable consequences or aggravate the course of other diseases. You can not take the shell in the following conditions:

  • egg allergy;
  • hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis.

In order not to harm health, using calcium on your own, you need to see a doctor who, if there is evidence, will prescribe and tell you in what doses and how to take eggshells.

Usually, treatment is carried out in courses of 10-15 days with three-month breaks. Children are given 300-600 mg, adults - 600-1200 mg, sometimes up to 2-3 g per day. When used with the health and preventive purpose, the shell is taken twice a year for 15-20 days. Especially useful during periods of intensive growth and development (in childhood, adolescence and adolescence, with gestation). It is also important to maintain calcium balance with age-related hormonal changes in the body.

The daily dose can be taken at a time or divided into 2 doses with meals. Meal should be full, preferably with cottage cheese or other dairy products, cereals, fruits and vegetables. It is believed that calcium is better absorbed at night. The right amount of powder is taken into a spoon and lemon juice is added in approximately equal proportions. It is important that the mixture is sufficiently wet and that a dissolution reaction occurs. After the cessation of gas bubbles, the resulting slurry is washed down with water or liquid food. Along with lemon, you can use freshly squeezed juice of cranberries, viburnum, cherries, raspberries. If you are allergic to these juices, you can take high-quality natural apple cider vinegar to dissolve the powder. With increased acidity of the gastric juice, it is better to just drink it with water.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treating diseases. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, verify the correctness of treatment and eliminate negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, then this is entirely at your own peril and risk. All information on the site is presented for educational purposes and is not a medical aid. All responsibility for the application rests with you.