Karmic debts by date of birth and name. Methods for determining karma by date of birth, deciphering numbers and symbols

Numerology is an ancient science about the influence of numbers on human life. Its founder is considered to be the ancient Greek scientist and mathematician Pythagoras.

According to his theory, the numbers that surround a person everywhere are a source of valuable information about his fate, character and future. With the help of numerology, people have long learned not only about the future, but also determined their karma.

Numerology karma

Each of us has our own karmic debt, by giving which we ultimately gain well-being and spiritual harmony.

It is believed that all troubles, illnesses and adversities come to a person only because he does not lead the right life. That is, he does not live as prescribed by fate, does not use his full potential, does not develop his abilities and talents, and does not fulfill his destiny.

Numerology allows learn about your karma, as well as how to correct it and what purpose needs to be fulfilled in order to find harmony with the world around us. What other information can you get by calculating your karmic number:

  • information about your past lives;
  • causes of current and past problems;
  • pronounced character traits;
  • negative and positive aspects of character;
  • hidden talents and abilities;
  • opportunities and prospects;
  • karmic debt;
  • recommendations for working off debt;
  • life purpose.

Calculate karma by date of birth

All information about the life, purpose, character, abilities and fate of a person lies in the date of his birth. The numbers with which he comes into this world are a kind of code that reveals his essence, talents and personality traits.

In order to determine the number of your karmic debt, you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth and bring them to a single digit. For example, date of birth 25.01.1985 . We get: 2+5+1+1+9+8+5 = 31 = 3+1 = 4. Four in this case will be a karmic number. What do karmic debt numbers mean?


Each number in Pythagorean numerology has a specific meaning and character. In order to find out what it means, it is enough to turn to the interpretation of the numbers of the progenitor of numerology, Pythagoras. He attached special importance only to prime numbers from 1 to 9.

He interpreted complex numbers in accordance with the meaning of their constituent numbers. Let's consider the meaning of each number from the point of view of a person's karmic debt.

Number 1

This number of leaders, independent and self-confident individuals. You are driven by high goals. You are not afraid of difficulties and go through life with your head held high. By nature, you are a born leader who can lead.

They listen to you, ask for your opinion, and come for help. A sense of self-worth, wealth and influence makes you, in your own eyes, almost an omnipotent person.

Strengths: determination, rationality, dedication, resourcefulness, communication skills, perseverance and courage.

Weak sides: selfishness, impulsiveness, lack of imagination, narcissism, materialism, domineering and skepticism.

Past life: in past rebirths you were a powerful person. Most likely, they held a high position or position. However, they often abused their power and sought only for material enrichment. Probably, in this life too, sometimes you don’t notice how you go over your head for the sake of your goal.

Karma: in life you have to take on a lot of responsibility. It happens that you overestimate yourself. You demand too much from yourself, and you place increased demands on other people.

The main problem is the desire to develop the material side of your life, as well as the inability to appreciate what you have. Don't forget to develop the spiritual side of your life.

Life purpose: manage, lead people for a good purpose, decide important questions, helping people, serving society.

Number 2

This number balanced, strong-willed people. You are a versatile person and can find yourself in completely different areas of activity. You succeed in everything, no matter what you undertake. But sometimes you don't have the patience to finish the job.

You get along well with people and literally see right through them. This allows you to always distinguish truth from lies. Your inner world is quite rich. Your speaking skills, intelligence and resourcefulness help you achieve success in your career.

Strengths: communication skills, honesty, tact, diplomacy, creative skills, patience, well-developed intuition.

Weak sides: passivity, naivety, excessive kindness.

Past life: in the past you easily found common language with people. You could be a trader or public figure. Alas, you did not always meet people's expectations. It was not easy for you to please everyone who turned to you for advice and help.

Karma: you constantly step on the same rake. Your desire to be good to everyone leads to complete failure. Take an independent position. Be confident, don't try to maintain balance where there shouldn't be any. Don't let people control you.

Life purpose: protect the interests of people, help achieve the truth, resolve conflicts peacefully, prevent wars and disagreements.

Number 3

A very positive number. It empowers versatility, creativity, optimism, sociability and independence. This is a person who can find himself anywhere. She easily applies her skills and abilities and knows how to adapt to changing circumstances.

Openness, self-confidence, hard work and the desire for success help to always stay afloat, even in the most difficult situations.

Strengths: independence, erudition, sharp mind, sense of humor, enterprise, activity, energy, sociability.

Weak sides: frivolity, tactlessness, straightforwardness, falsehood, impulsiveness, selfishness.

Past life: in past reincarnations you were an actor or musician. Your life was unstable. You've had your ups and downs. You were constantly searching for yourself.

Karma: It’s hard for you to stop at just one thing. This is your main problem. You quickly get excited about an idea, but just as quickly it goes out. You need to learn how to get things done.

Life purpose: you need to stop living one day at a time. Try to plan your activities and set long-term goals. One of your purposes is to give people joy, smiles, instill optimism in them, help the sick and those who need psychological support.

Number 4

In people of number 4, all elements are harmoniously developed. They are energetic like fire, fertile and hardworking like earth, easy-going like air, and flexible like water. If your karmic number is 4, then you are a very self-sufficient and independent, striving to achieve everything through her work.

You have well-developed leadership qualities and organizational skills. You are drawn to technology, science and everything that requires analysis and calculation.

Strengths: hard work, responsibility, organization, punctuality, diligence and patience.

Weak sides: pedantry, touchiness, complexity of character, intransigence, uncompromisingness.

Past life: in other lives you constantly fought for something, defended your point of view. You could be a politician, an artisan, a manager, a businessman.

Karma: heavy, you carry a lot of burden on yourself. Your main problem is that you are constantly in tension, as if you are waiting for a blow of fate. Relax and enjoy life. Learn to accept criticism adequately. The main enemy is inside you.

Life purpose: create something new, change the world and technology.

Number 5

You are a spontaneous person. You have a lot enthusiasm and energy. The constant desire for self-improvement and self-discovery helps you achieve success in life. You have many talents, hobbies and ideas.

For such individuals, work related to travel, tourism, trade, show business, medicine and finance is suitable. Your life is a continuous test of strength, which, by the way, you confidently pass.

Strengths: focus on results, optimistic attitude, public speaking skills, leadership qualities.

Weak sides: the desire to achieve everything at once, haste in making decisions, impulsiveness, inconstancy, impatience.

Past life: you did not limit yourself in freedom of action, did not burden yourself with responsibilities. You were unfamiliar with the sense of duty. They were afraid of attachment and always tried to avoid close communication with people. They constantly traveled, studied languages, and engaged in meditative practices.

Karma: It’s difficult for you to find yourself in this life. Looking for better life you constantly change your place of residence, your social circle, your job. When you achieve success, you set new goals for yourself without receiving proper satisfaction from what you received. You are an eternal wanderer who does not understand that your happiness is hidden within you, and sometimes it is very close.

Life purpose: improve yourself not only yourself, but also help other people in this.

Number 6

Are you a man peace-loving, romantic and talented. You have a heightened sense of duty and responsibility. You can be relied upon as a loyal friend, an exemplary family man and a reliable employee. You are a completely non-conflict person, so you often either avoid clashes or try to solve the problem peacefully.

It’s easy with you, because you don’t make high demands on people. Sometimes this leads to disappointment in friends or significant other.

Strengths: friendliness, responsiveness, responsibility, commitment, creative thinking, non-standard approach to business.

Weak sides: naivety, gullibility, vulnerability, excessive focus on the problems of others.

Past Lives: in the past you helped people and could not imagine your existence without it. Most likely, you were a doctor, teacher, educator or social worker. Your highly developed sense of justice helps you protect the interests of other people.

Karma Yours is light, almost unblemished. However, your life is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. You - a kind person, but sometimes your kindness does not benefit you. Do not allow unscrupulous people to use you for personal gain. Learn to say “no” when it conflicts with your values ​​and priorities.

Life purpose: you need to follow your heart. Rely on your intuition. Help people, try to come to the aid of those who need it. Your strength lies in you and your family. Take care of your loved ones.

Number 7

This is the number of secrets, knowledge and spirituality. If your karma number is seven, then you are a person seeking to understand people and the world around them. You have many talents and abilities, many of which you have not yet discovered. Professions such as artist, poet, priest, scientist, teacher are suitable for you.

You are an inventor, innovator and reformer. The main thing in life for you is knowledge, study, self-development, education and active work. Many people do not understand you, but you do not seek understanding among a large circle of people. Recognition and results are not important to you; you are able to enjoy the process.

Strengths: analytical thinking, developed intuition, desire for new things, creative thinking, high intelligence, curiosity.

Weak sides: inability to real life, lack of independence, curiosity.

Past Lives: You were probably a scientist, or your life was connected with art.

Karma yours is good. However, to achieve harmony with the world around you, you lack patience, prudence and some down-to-earthness in many matters.

Life purpose: you need not only to gain new knowledge, but also to share it with other people. You are a source of new information.

Number 8

This number materialists and rational people. You strive to possess material values. Your character is not so simple. It is not easy for people to communicate with you, since your priorities and life attitudes are not always clear to others.

You are lucky with money, in your career and business. However, in your pursuit of wealth, you are deprived of other joys in life, such as family, love and friendship.

Strengths: initiative, confidence, practicality, prudence, fortitude.

Weak sides: reluctance to listen to other people's advice, arrogance, rancor, intemperance.

Past Lives: in the past you were a rich man, a merchant, an official. Your life path it was long and difficult. You didn’t ask for help, you achieved everything through your own labor and sweat.

Karma: you are a very complex person. What you have experienced in life has left an imprint on your character. Because of this, you are often distrustful of people. It is difficult for you to open up and show your emotions. This makes it difficult for you to communicate with people, build a personal life and make friends.

Life purpose: giving, sharing and helping those in need.

Number 9

Nine symbolizes success and perfection. If this is your karmic number, then you have unique abilities and talents that are inaccessible to most people. You are a dreamer with an idealized perception of life.

You strive to change the world and the people around you, but sometimes the result only leads to disappointment. Your thoughts are most often pure. You care about what is happening around you, so try with all your might to influence what is happening, to help people, protecting their interests.

Strengths: humanity, kindness, creativity, honesty, a strong sense of duty, good intuition.

Weak sides: gullibility, impatience, impulsiveness.

Past Lives: in past reincarnations you were a mentor, teacher, innovator, revolutionary. Your mission was to change the world and people.

Karma: your main problem is not knowing which path to take. You are not aware of your full strength and capabilities. Once you know yourself, you will achieve everything you want.

Life purpose: change the world, influence everything that happens, bring light, kindness and justice.

Knowing the karmic number of your soul, you can change your destiny and adjust your life. Analyze your character traits that help you achieve success and try to get rid of what is holding you back.

29 Jul

Most of humanity believes in karma (consequences for committed actions), which acts as a kind of analogue of fate. The concept of karma is supported by many eastern teachings (Buddhism, Hinduism), as well as occultism. Using numerology, you can calculate what reward awaits us today for actions from a past life.

It is not difficult to calculate karmic debt by date of birth - any adult can do it. Our website has convenient tips and options for this. By calculating online karmic debt by date of birth, you can understand for which actions you will bear the greatest responsibility and how best to work off them.

Let's say you were born on July 17, 1976. Add these numbers: 1+7+0+7+1 +9+7+6=38. If you get a two-digit number (more than 9), then add the numbers again: 3+8=11.

And again, to the natural: 1+1=2. It is two that is the number of your karmic debt.

Unit. The karmic debt by date of birth is very small. Conscious negative actions before the Universe were not very significant. Most likely, there were lies and a little selfishness, or you were able to atone for and close negative actions at the moment.

Deuce. Previously, in other lives, the vector was directed only towards oneself. Therefore, today’s duty of karma is simple - you should help those dependent on you (animals, plants). And, of course, to loved ones: best friends, children, loved ones. If you ignore help, you will be unhappy and lonely, both in friendship and in love. Frequent betrayals of others without special reasons are due precisely to obligations to the world

Troika. Numerology by date of birth in this case associates karmic debt with revenge. You were vindictive in a past life, but the debt is canceled if you stop remembering the bad things and devote all your efforts to reconciling the warring parties. This will nullify the retribution of the Universe.

Four. Your debt is large and accumulated by other lives. It consists of a huge number of negative actions. Many of the latest problems and questions have been living with you for several reincarnations. Having calculated the number of karmic debt, act according to your conscience and your existence will become better.

Five. Your karmic debt is “young” and not heavy. Most likely, it is associated with ingratitude to fate (and in its person to people) for help. You previously took everything for granted, although success and happiness were the result of the efforts of others and their love for you. There is a possibility that you will pay off all your obligations, since according to all teachings this karma is not the worst.

Six. This is a real symbol of karmic problems, the root of which is based in your relationship to the Universe. Luck, which always eludes you, indicates that the Universe is trying to return the “favor” and the boomerang is returning. Perhaps in past lives you appropriated something that did not belong to you (someone else's success, a valuable thing) or betrayed someone who believed in you.

Seven. Calculating karmic debt by date of birth considers seven the most favorable number of all. Exactly what you want is happening in the world and fate favors you in all your endeavors. Any action has fairly predictable consequences and there should not be too much upheaval in life. If troubles do happen, then the reasons must be sought in your character, but not in karma.

Eight. Your debt does not disappear anywhere because of a bad deed that left an imprint on further events. The problems will go away only with his redemption. This will happen at any time - in a year or several lives, depending on the severity of the deed. In the meantime, the only path to happiness is acceptance of yourself and your problems.

Many people are faced with the feeling that everything in our world is not random, but represents a chain of cause and effect. All events that happen in life are the result of our past thoughts and deeds, for which we are responsible. Karma by date of birth, fate and future is the topic of this article.

Karma acts as fate, created by us in past incarnations. Karmic scales can swing from the side of positive deeds and actions towards negative actions.

Depending on what kind of things happened more in our past incarnations, we get our today's destiny. In our current reincarnation, we have the opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past and not make new ones, that is, to improve our karma.

There is a way to find out your karma by date of birth, fate and future.

Calculation of karma by date of birth

Thanks to you, you will learn what negative or positive moments from the past affect you now, how to restore balance in our current destiny and predetermine our further development in the future.

To calculate your karmic number, you need the exact date of your birth.

  • 8+2+1+9+8+1 =29.

It turns out that the karmic birth number is 29. Now pay attention to the second number - it will become your defining number, which will shed light on some facts of your past life.

Description of karmic numbers

The first number also affects your life path. It will tell you about the possibility of a person appearing in your life with the help of whom you will find your purpose.

If it is even (zero, two and four), it means that fate will send you a karmic assistant to solve life’s difficulties,

And if the numbers one or three come up, you will have to solve all the difficulties on your own. Most likely, your karma is not burdened with difficult deeds, which you should seriously work on correcting.

For more information on this topic, watch the video.

Characteristics of the second karmic number

  • Unit. In your past lives, you showed selfishness and made people who love you suffer. Therefore, now love and friendship will not be easy; loved ones may deceive you. You need to be sincere and not lie to others. Selfless good deeds will help you improve your life. An important lesson for you is not to suspect other people of unreliability. If you have a loved one and true friends, you are doing everything right in life, do not change your behavior.
  • Deuce. Its appearance will tell you that in the past you showed negligence and extreme recklessness, and may not have appreciated what you had. You could be involved in dangerous sports or military activities, it was important for you to constantly be “on the edge” of survival. Indiscretion shown in the past will now result in you feeling unwell. Remember, when you neglect the instinct of self-preservation, luck will refuse you. Therefore, take care of your health, do not have bad habits and always think about self-preservation.
  • Troika. You have shown stinginess in past incarnations. Now it is important to focus on spiritual values ​​so as not to encounter old problems. To maintain a balance between good and evil actions, you need to sacrifice material well-being in favor of spirituality.
  • Four. Your karma is quite good. By your date of birth, we find out that in your last incarnation you suffered from loneliness and unhappy love. Now they occupy a very significant place for you family values, never neglect them in favor of your career.
  • Five. It is not advisable for you to engage in esotericism if you dream of success in life. Never achieve your goals through magical actions - you have already had a similar experience before and it did not lead to anything good. Always remember that everything you do comes back.
  • Six. You had a harmonious life. Your karma is not bad enough, and if you do good to the world around you, you can achieve great success.
  • Seven. You faced difficulties and obstacles in your previous reincarnation, and now it’s time to try yourself in a more harmonious role. Don’t be content with little, but set global goals and try to achieve them.
  • Eight. You committed betrayal in a past life, abandoned a loved one in trouble. This situation may come back into your life, so you should be careful. Do charity work, do not refuse to help those who need it, and the balance between good and evil will be restored.
  • Nine. Perhaps your past life was too fleeting, so karma has endowed you with wisdom to make up for what was left unfulfilled in your past life. It is likely that you have developed the gift of foresight; rely on your intuition.
  • Zero. You worked hard in your past life, so success in your work is guaranteed. Listen to the voice of your heart and never give up. The dream will definitely come true if you put in the effort.

Having learned the features of your past lives, learn the necessary lessons from them and try to act correctly so as not to attract new negative consequences. In the following articles we will take a closer look at the topic of the influence of karma on a person’s destiny, because it is very interesting and multifaceted.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Almost everyone is familiar with the concept of “karma”.

Karma is a mechanism for repaying deeds done earlier, in particular in past lives.

And for the present life, we are interested in specifics - what kind of karma operates and for what actions in past incarnations we are responsible today. You can find out this using numerology by calculating your karmic debt by date of birth.

How to calculate

Of course, the easiest way to do this is to contact a numerologist. A qualified specialist will not only calculate all vital numbers based on your date of birth, but will also explain what karmic debt is and how best to work it off.

The second option is to calculate the karmic debt yourself. In this case, you will have to work with numbers and information - to figure out what this or that number means. This path is more labor-intensive, but it promises a lot of new things and, importantly, is completely free (and those who are not good with mathematics can make calculations by date of birth online).

Karmic debt numbers include:

  1. thirteen,
  2. fourteen,
  3. sixteen,
  4. nineteen.

These are the ones you need to look for. The most obvious option is when the number of karmic debt coincides with the number of birth. Otherwise, karmic debt can be calculated by determining the Life Path Number.

For example, if your date of birth is 05/02/1980, the calculations will be as follows: 0 2=2, 0 5=5, 1 9 8 0=18 (1 8=9). Next, to calculate the Life Path Number, we summarize: 2 5 9 = 16, 1 6 = 7. Here we are interested in a two-digit number - the number of karmic debt 16. In a similar way, we determine “karmic” numbers by calculating the Number of Heart and Destiny.

Number thirteen

If you come across the number thirteen in your date of birth or when calculating your Life Path Number, your karmic debt concerns laziness and hard work, laxity and concentration, selfishness and the ability to give. In a past life, you did not like work, shifted it to other people, looked for shortcuts, easy and pleasant pastime at someone else’s expense. Since in your previous incarnation you “rided” others, in this incarnation you will have to pull a particularly heavy cart, and even downhill. You will achieve success only through effort, no matter how much you want to get everything easily and immediately.

Perhaps you have already tried to achieve what you want “at the least possible cost”, wondering why for others everything works out by itself, while you have to fight with obstacles and obstacles. You should not count on special luck, “shara” or “heavenly manna” - in this life you will have to work a lot and hard. But first of all, you should reconsider your attitude towards work and realize its real meaning. Labor is not hard labor. It can be interesting and exciting - a calling, a purpose in life and the very enjoyable pastime that you strive to achieve.

Concentration and the ability to concentrate will help you understand the real price and essence of work.

How to Find out your Karmic Debt?!

Numerology - Karma in date of birth


Don’t waste your time on trifles - define an important and interesting goal for yourself, and then work on it tirelessly. If this succeeds, luck will come to you on its own, every now and then presenting pleasant surprises and gifts. And you need to accept them humbly and with gratitude.

Working off karmic debts often involves suffering, but this is not at all necessary. The ability to concentrate and perceive everything in life as a priceless gift will help to reveal talent hidden in the “karmic” jungle. “Resting on your laurels” in a past life, you have accumulated a lot of energy, which is enough to implement the most ambitious project. And you need to start small - put things in order around yourself, make friends with time and discipline, consider it a duty of honor to fulfill the duties you have taken on, work with love and gratitude.

Number fourteen

The number of karmic debt fourteen is characterized by the incorrect use of the opportunities and freedom given to a person. In a past life, you “buried your talent” - you used the abilities released for the realization of a great goal for personal pleasure and momentary selfish needs. Perhaps you were afraid to take a risk and take on a new project, preferring the old and well-studied one. You had the freedom to change something, but you never took advantage of it.

In this life, circumstances will change, resembling a crazy kaleidoscope and without asking your opinion. Changing your place of residence, occupation, relationships and environment is just a small part of what can await you. In this stormy ocean you need to survive without losing yourself, your principles and ideals. You will have to change and adapt to circumstances, but you should always have a higher goal in front of your eyes. Thanks to this guideline, you will maintain inner peace and stability, which means you will be able to enjoy external changes, finding them interesting and drawing new inspiration from them.

Numerology warns of one more trap - temptations will lie in wait for you everywhere, so arm yourself with restraint and moderation.

In a past life, you indulged excessively in pleasures, and now you must direct your energy to high goals, spiritual development and human benefits. Working off karmic debts will not be painful if you understand a simple thing: a spiritual guideline will help you be happy in these circumstances - a higher goal that you need to find and work towards its implementation.

Number sixteen

If the number sixteen is present in the date of birth or calculations of the number of Heart, Destiny, Life Path, karmic debt is associated with the manifestation of selfishness and manipulation of love. This means that in a past life you did not know how to respect the feelings of other people, you used them and caused emotional wounds. In other words, love has fallen victim to banal egoism, and it does not forgive this.

In this life, you will have to pay in full to those whose love you used, without giving anything in return. Such retribution will be difficulties in relationships, loneliness, unrequited love. Pride and selfishness will interfere with finding true intimacy and real warmth in a relationship. Love may not work out, you may be deceived, betrayed and abandoned for no apparent reason.

You should not fall into the illusion that relationships are not going well because of a lack of beauty or money - it’s all due to hypertrophied egoism, which has already managed to “mess things up” in previous births.

According to numerology, it needs to be countered with true humility, wisdom and unconditional love. Possessing high intelligence and an analytical mind, you easily find faults in other people and thereby alienate them - placing them below yourself. Wisdom will help you understand that everyone has shortcomings, without exception, and humility and unconditional love will help you accept people (including yourself) as they are.

Number nineteen

The meaning of the karmic debt of the number nineteen is the need to move from complete self-sufficiency to positive interaction with others. In a past life, you abused power, privilege and opportunity, subjugating others and using them to please your own selfishness. The power was given to you to use it wisely, creating and helping those in need. Instead, it was used as an end in itself.

In this life, your desire for self-sufficiency risks turning into loneliness. Circumstances will develop in such a way that the help of others will become necessary for you, but it will be quite difficult to obtain it. Annoyed by the indifference of others, you won’t even notice that you yourself are unable to accept someone else’s help, having become accustomed to relying only on yourself. You will not be able to build a relationship that implies mutual love and support.

In these circumstances, selfless help to others is of great importance - this is where you need to start in order to learn how to build relationships. It is necessary to understand that no one in this world can be completely independent. Complete self-sufficiency is not only a strength, but also a weakness, since it leads to isolation and loneliness. People are only parts of a great whole; they need each other to enjoy themselves by accepting and giving love, communication and support.

How to calculate the life code by date of birth and find out your critical number?

With the help of numerology, you can find out what is written in your family and calculate a person’s karma, his destiny. Define and calculate karmic code you can use ordinary numbers that were laid down when you were born. To calculate your life code and find your destiny number, you need to add up the numbers from your date of birth.

Add up all the numbers from your date of birth: 1 + 5 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = our total is 30
This is the number of your destiny or in other words karmic code of fate

Fate codes from 10 to 19. This is the lowest spiritual level, your task, simple observation, is to float through life without changing anything in this world, you don’t need to delve into yourself, just learn willpower and develop your body.

Decipher the karmic code using the date of birth

The meaning of the karmic number 10 represents joy in your life

Good luck is with you in everything, your life will be easy and cloudless, everything will work out. An excellent career, a stable financial situation, a happy family life, beautiful children and wonderful health. Your karma is very light; in a past life you worked on arable land, were a farmer, and are not burdened with criminal deeds.
Esoteric practices are best avoided.

The meaning of the karmic number 11 in the date of birth is a difficult number of fate.

People with this life code will be tested, very driven, too trusting and very easy to get you into doing anything. All your life you will rush around in search of something ideal, because of this there will be many marriages and even more children.
In your previous reincarnation, you became a bad person, a murderer, a criminal.
Mysticism can bring problems.

The meaning of the karmic number 12 in the code speaks of misfortune and torment.

You are simplicity and naivety, participating in alterations always in the role of a victim, you are robbed, mutilated, in married life you are in the role of a servant and are guilty of everything, you are constantly worried, even without any reason, in a past life you most likely weaved conspiracies and intrigues , staged riots.
You cannot study esotericism on your own, only with a wise mentor.

Karmic number 13 speaks of changes and changes of residence.

In this life you will definitely not get bored, your whole life will be continuous dynamics. Changes in all areas will continue to haunt you; don’t expect anything permanent; unfortunately, changes will not always be only positive.
In a past life, you most likely were in slavery or in captivity and most of all wanted to find freedom.

The meaning of the karmic number of fate 14 in the code carries with it a personal Apocalypse.

If other people only talk about the Apocalypse and watch films, then you will participate in it all your life. It is possible that you will be born in an earthquake-prone area; on any travel you risk easily getting into some kind of accident, and in general it is better for you to choose the railway routes that follow all the others, there is less danger according to the code.
In a previous incarnation you were a sailor or a soldier and died due to an accident.
You can be a tarot reader or practice Astrology.

The number 15 signifies phenomenal attractiveness in your karma.

An amazingly charming personality, you have natural attractiveness, and have many fans. Most likely, you will realize yourself in art, it is yours, and crowds of fans, your life. But your number often pushes you towards dishonesty and lies.
In a past life, you used your body and talent to have money.
You are not advised to study esotericism; you can become a black master.

The meaning of the karmic number 16 is the number of evil fate.

Your life is complete destruction, you are attacked, failures and misfortunes, no matter what you undertake, it fails, make your life predictable, be attentive and vigilant.
In another life, you were a sadist, had power, punished and tortured people.
Esotericism can cause mental illness.

The meaning of the karmic number 17 is the number of love and happiness in marriage.

You are just lucky in terms of relationships with the opposite sex. All your relationships will go well, joint business, family life, any partnership will bring you joy and good luck.
In your previous incarnation, you were a human male, you had poor health, your heart was failing, you were lonely, you experienced a lot of suffering and died of hunger.
You yourself won’t do any magic, it won’t do you any good.

The meaning of the karmic number 18 marks collapse.

Your destiny is one of struggle, violence is your essence, a person with this number becomes a domestic sadist, participates in gangs, and looks for every opportunity to fight or destroy something. Death in another brawl and early.
In your previous incarnation, you were fond of black magic.
Esotericism for you makes no sense, there is no connection with subtle energies.

Decoding the karmic number 19 is the number of honors.

You will succeed in everything in this incarnation, a life full of harmony, and you will find the greatest self-realization in your family and offspring. And give birth to a dynasty, successful and internally rich generations.
In your previous reincarnation, you were a priest, and you passed away into another world, surrounded by a loving family, a very old man.
It’s worth doing runic and Celtic magic.

Karmic purpose by date of birth (numbers from 20 to 29)
Correcting blemishes from past incarnations

The meaning of the karmic number 20 promises the fulfillment of plans

Strategy and activity, the motto of this incarnation, you cannot exist without a goal, your life is a struggle and overcoming. Develop your spirituality, share love with people. In a past life you were involved in banking.
Magical abilities will help you.

The meaning of the karmic number 21 in your destiny brings victory in everything

Luck itself will go with you through life, in any battle, you win, luck is everywhere. The main thing is to act, you can’t get bored.
In previous incarnations, you were a master of blacksmithing and were highly respected. You can engage in esotericism only with the help of an assistant.

The meaning of karmic number 22 praises your fantasies.

Dreams and living in illusions, being a good-natured and quiet person, you are too trusting, you do not live in reality until nothing threatens you.
In a previous incarnation, you were a pickpocket.
You can do esotericism, you just need to study with persistence, and it will make sense.

Karmic number 23 carries magic in the code.

Fate guides you, under the cover of light forces. Earthly affairs will be easy, you are so lucky, every request will receive an immediate response from the universe. In your previous reincarnation, you were a tailor.
It is recommended to engage in magical research, this is your destiny.

Karmic number 24 is happiness.

Happy coincidences are everywhere, you are lucky, in your personal life, career and finances, your life path is easy and happy. The only warning is that you cannot harm people, then luck will turn away from you.
You painted icons in your previous incarnation.
You should try yourself in esotericism, you can predict the future.

The meaning of the karmic number 25 brings learning.

In your youth, you will do a lot of stupid things because of bad qualities in your character. Later you will understand your mistakes, begin to correct them, your mistakes and higher powers will become more favorable to you. So you will live the rest of your life in calmness and peace in your soul.
In the previous incarnation, of royal blood, they spent their lives in the East of India and traveled a lot around the world.
Your magical abilities are impressive.

The number 26 in your karma is a premonition of many threats

The meaning of the karmic number 27 is a good omen

Reward for right living, kindness, love of work and mercy. The second part of your life's journey will be happier than the first part.
In your last incarnation, you practiced astrology and had a happy marriage.

The number 28 signifies inconsistency in your karmic code.

You are a very gifted person, your abilities are very extraordinary, but you do not bother yourself with the search for correctness, you have your own ideas about morality. You constantly rebel against the rules and the law, your fate cannot be called cloudless. In your last incarnation you committed suicide.
Only black magic is available to you.

The meaning of the karmic number 29 is a sign of lies

You are surrounded by lies, deceptions and betrayals from loved ones. Betrayal by loved ones, meanness. Salvation is in searching for a twin soul; having found your soul mate, you will be happy, but if you fail, you will avoid people altogether.
In your previous birth, you were a merchant who deceived people.
You can engage in magical teachings, but there will be no success.

Karmic code of life that is written for you in your birth (numbers 30 to 39)

This is the third stage of development; those who find themselves on this scale are able to change the lives of those around them. Those who are on this numerical range, your job in this incarnation is to teach and show people how to change their lives.

The meaning of the karmic number 30 is the number of arrogance.

You are very smart, much smarter than most people you know, but you are not trying to influence their lives, you are only chasing success and material well-being if you can change your attitudes and start seeing people around you. You will find happiness. In your previous incarnation, you wrote poetry and prose.
Mysticism is in the blood.

If your karmic code by date of birth is 31, this is the number of a loner.

You yourself will choose the path of a hermit, to society, you prefer to be alone and read a book, family life is not yours, money, careerism are indifferent to you, you feel good with yourself in your inner world. In your previous reincarnation, you acted and had extraordinary comic talent. You've had too many relationships and abandoned children.
There are abilities for magical work, if you develop them to the end.

Karmic code by date of birth The 32nd is a harmonious number.

A very sociable person, lucky in everything, surrounded by universal love, and you have a very warm attitude towards the world around you and the humanity living in it. Family home, children work, complete life arrangement, comfort. Be less frank, then your dreams will come true completely. In your last incarnation, you were a wanderer, without a family. Fortune telling is yours.

Karmic code by date of birth 33 - number of luck

This promises you support and successful endeavors in everything. You are also incredibly lucky with the opposite sex. Better times in the future will be provided for you if you realize yourself as a teacher and mentor leading yourself, this is your destiny.
In the previous reincarnation, they were a great sorcerer and influenced the minds of many people.
Esoteric practices will bring colossal results.

Karmic code by date of birth 34th number of rewards

Life will start out difficult, but the middle and maturity will bring happiness, you will be rewarded with a successful family life, and good income, your family loves you, but all this only from the age of 35 and not earlier.
In your previous incarnation you were a warrior who died very early.
It is also recommended to learn magic closer to the second half of life.

Karmic code by date of birth 35. Threat of death, in midlife

You are not lucky; your life’s journey is filled with tears and sorrows. Deceptions from loved ones, drug addiction, problems with children, grief literally follows. In your last incarnation, you were an Actress with a very difficult life, who was left alone at the end of her life. It is recommended to use magic only for self-defense purposes.

Karmic code by date of birth 36 is hard work

This number contains the path of a convict; everything is given through titanic efforts. No one will support you; you will have to achieve everything yourself. Your loved ones will turn away from you, only a lot of money can help you keep love, family, only with someone who will settle with you. In their past life, they were a convict and served a life sentence.
The magic of money will help you.

Karmic code of fate 37 is the number of happiness of friendship and successful love encounters.

Everything should work out happily, in love and family. In your previous reincarnation you were known as a saint or a recluse. Magical energy, ancient Slavs, for you.

Karmic code by date of birth 38 number of fraud

It’s sad, but you will simply be haunted by the evil rock of betrayal and lies. It is better not to trust anyone in this incarnation; you especially need to be vigilant in financial matters and with business partners.
In your previous incarnation, you chose prostitution as your profession.
Mystics are best avoided

Karmic code by date of birth 39 shows symbols of wisdom

You are very intelligent and inventive, but your envy interferes and spoils your karmic program, so you are threatened by various addictions and destructive traps, alcoholism, drugs. In past incarnations, you were a gambler, a swindler, a drunkard and a slacker.
Take care of the runes.

Numbers 40 - 49 in your karmic destiny code

The highest level is the last step, your karmic goal is to learn the secrets of the world order and be a teacher.

The karmic code of your life is number 40, the number of singles.

You are very closed to yourself and give the impression of a person outside of society, and those around you do not really understand you. They are not particularly lucky in money matters. IN family life, too focused on themselves. But this does not bother you, you have a different goal for this incarnation. Past reincarnation was associated with literary activity. You will want to do magic, there will be success, but not very much.

Meaning of karmic number 41 number of attraction

You are incredibly attractive to others, even if you are not particularly beautiful, you are extremely emotional and radiate charm. There are crowds of admirers around you, you need worship, but you are also narcissistic and inclined and unreliable.
In your previous reincarnation, you were a beautiful person who practiced poetry, breaking the hearts of many fans.
Fortune telling with cards and runes or study horoscopes for fun.

The number 42 means luck in the karmic code of your life

You have a healthy approach to life's tasks, a materialist, full of positivity, so your destiny is easy and happy. In a past life, they brewed beer, and were German by nationality. You are not inclined towards esotericism.

The meaning of the karmic number 43 promises a difficult and difficult fate

Constant trials and misfortunes will haunt you throughout your life, in business and family.
In your previous reincarnation, you were the wife of a monarch, who was sentenced to death for infidelity to her husband. Practicing magic is contraindicated.

The meaning of the karmic number in your destiny 44 is a warning number

Your destiny is to be persecuted and get into troubles and troubles that threaten life and health, be careful. In your previous incarnation, you had power and you destroyed people. Do not engage in magical practices, there is a chance of going crazy.

Karmic code by date of birth 45 is the number of rewards.

It is you who should strive to lead a decent life and achieve great heights in spiritual development, and also thanks to hard work for the benefit of people, you will be generously thanked by the universe and after the turn of 40 years, you will not need anything. IN old life you were a healer and saved many.
Magic is useless to you.

Your life's karmic code 46 promises happiness in relationships.

Your personal life will be incredibly successful; if you marry for love, you will be very happy; marriages based on convenience should be avoided. In a past life, you may have acted as a hero in high ranks and fell in a large-scale battle. interests you, develop your knowledge and you will learn more about yourself.

Decoding the karmic code of your destiny, number 47 is a sign of deceit.

Perhaps you really love noisy celebrations and friendly companies, going and inviting people to visit. It’s a pity that your friends, unfortunately, are not honest and for this reason, you will often encounter their meanness. In the previous incarnation, they were the leader of a sect, or avoided people, tried to communicate little. You can’t do magic, otherwise you’ll get sick.

Karmic code by date of birth 48 is the number of a fighter.

From birth, you have a karmic node of leadership; your career is rapid, very suitable for sports achievements, in military affairs, and for politicians. In the previous incarnation, they were a gunsmith who was faithful to his skill. It wouldn’t occur to you to start developing magical abilities, you don’t believe in it.


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